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How to Use Stickers as Marketing Tools

How to Use Stickers as Marketing Tools

How to Use Stickers as Marketing Tools
Feb 1, 2018
George Sanders

Stickers are one of the most versatile marketing tools out there. Promotional stickers can be used in so many different ways and in so many different places; nothing else comes close when you’re talking about potential advertising value. Whether you are using a sticker by itself or sticking it to something else in order to draw attention, stickers are made to get noticed and send a message in ways that other marketing materials just can’t. Get stuck on stickers and see what they can do to make your marketing more memorable.

Using stickers to push brand image

Many companies effectively use stickers to push and promote their brand image. You see logo stickers everywhere – on the backs of cars, on bulletin boards, on lamp posts, and certainly on consumer products and packaging. Stickers can be thought of as mini billboards, giving people an opportunity to take notice of your logo or slogan outside of the usual context, giving your company more top-of-mind awareness.

Using stickers to give information

You can also use stickers to provide important sales information about a product you’re trying to sell. For example, you can list features and benefits of a product on a sticker and put it on the product packaging. Even if the information is already printed on the packaging, the sticker will highlight it even more and draw the customer’s eye to it. This way, they might see something they could have overlooked otherwise. Anything you can do to make information easier to see and attract attention can help you when you are promoting a product, and stickers can do just that.

Using stickers to make the sale

If you’re having a big sale at your retail location, stickers can create interest and provide an immediate call to action. Are you having a BOGO sale? Print up stickers and put them on the products that are “buy one, get one free” in order to draw attention and make more sales. This is where you need to use bright and bold colors to really stand out and grab your audience when immediacy is key. Stickers can create urgency and get your customers to purchase your product.

Using stickers at events

Events are a great place to hand out stickers to attendees. It doesn’t matter if you are simply using the stickers to promote your brand image or using them to sell a product. When you hand out free stickers at an event or trade show, you create excitement and it gets people talking about your company, product or service. People like to get something for free, and stickers are always a fun and interactive way to reach out to your customers.

Using stickers long-term

It’s important to use premium printing when you are producing your stickers, especially if you hope they will be stuck to vehicles or onto a permanent fixture. Premium printing will assure that your sticker looks great and has a long life of promoting your company or product for years to come.


George Sanders

Nulla dolor enim, congue et mauris ut, bibendum ornare lectus. Nullam at elit diam. Pellentesque in urna felis. Nullam varius velit tortor, ac viverra erat suscipit sed. In vel orci sed sapien pulvinar auctor.



  • dao
    Mar 14, 2018
  • tuan
    Mar 14, 2018
    How it work???


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